America USA, inc.

My summation of Bill Clinton. :-)

Bill Clinton turned out to be nothing but a charismatic chump with really good connections. A party frat boy with nothing to lose but his liberal arts education that was offered to him by society.

Bill Clinton will go down in history as a hill-person’s Joe Biden, a wacky dork who molested and raped and drank and monetized.

I’m proud to say that I never voted for that liar. Unfortunately, enough people did. And we are now seeing the results of his vision of America: making a buck at any cost. How petty. We have a commercial, for-profit prison system, de facto slavery thanks to prison labor, an inhumanely regressive tax system, and a free-wheeling economy based on infinite speculation without any risk. The Clintons & Friends & Wall Street will always be bailed out. Well, probably not for much longer. 🙂 Enjoy your cake before things change very much, for the better. (You probably wish I said “butter”.)

By hourback

Musical, philosophical, vegan, ethical, trying to be present and mindful

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