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And if you don’t know why I am doing such a thing, read about Henry Ford. 🙂 He was quite the twisted charlatan, oh yes. If he had a knife large enough he surely would have stabbed the Earth to death himself. But no, the Earth’s death is a much slower, depressing process, much like petroleum oil, and it continues beyond his wimpy life’s end, the dear ol’ Nazi.

But anyway, there’s still time to do something about it! Watch Planet of the Humans! Get fired up! Go make something beautiful! Meditate! We can still put out this colossal bushfire that we created if we merely join together in common purpose and imagine a better future for ourselves. It’s easy if you try! If you disagree then you haven’t actually tried it! 😉

By hourback

Musical, philosophical, vegan, ethical, trying to be present and mindful

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