Politics Society

Ministers interrupt Sessions, are removed from religious freedom conference

Whew! Boy oh boy! You can’t put it any more plainly than that. This article really spells it all out; Republicans, Donald Trump, conservatism (I’m expanding here, myself) they are all antithetical, actually hostile in word and deed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. They defame Jesus Christ every time they invoke the church, the word of God, their own farcical convictions. It is a travesty. Anyone with an inkling of faith in Jesus Christ would renounce the Republican Party for what it is, was, and is shaping up to be. Cast it aside along with those who would ride on its coattails such as our illustriously goldflaked doofus-in-chief, Herr Drumpf, Donald J. Trump.

2018 Mid-Term Politics Society

Trump calls U.S.-bound migrant caravan a national emergency, says will cut aid | Article [AMP] | Reuters

What a massive failure to understand what is happening. These people have so little left to lose that they are willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children, to throw themselves under the pitiful mercy of the brutal nation that is the United States of America in hopes of securing a better life for themselves.

The USA looks a whole lot different on the outside than it does on the inside, folks.

Sure, of course there are some things that happen in the USA that are NOT savage and inhumane. We all know that (from the endless movies and TV shows and sitcoms and magazines and stories and books and lectures and history books and textbooks…). But that is not worth talking about right now. Because that is not what is killing people and ruining lives and preventing human progress. The things that are actually causing dire consequences at this moment is what we should be focusing on not how pretty we were last year at the beach.