America capitalism elitism freedom fucking hick hegemony imperialism losing militarism News philosophy Politics Propaganda USA Quotes Religion, Magic, etc. Required Reading reviews Society stupid suck terrorism The South USA, inc. White Male Capitalist Supremacy

Message to zealots of Zion and American exceptionalism–dc366ef06c3f48d2887efb9d0c998d06

America sex The South

Idiot preaches anti-sex gospel to kids

America Interesting Articles Mississippi The South

Brave soldiers in the fight for human rights.

There’s so much more to say about this situation, the Mississippi flag with the Confederate symbol in it, but I just want to recognize the immense amount of pain and suffering that has gone into this effort. And finally there is this amount of triumph. Congratulations to everyone who took part in making this change happen.


Why Christianity has been struggling with sex ever since the Nativity

Why Christianity has been struggling with sex ever since the Nativity

What a waste of time, trying to shoehorn human nature into a construct as malformed and dysfunctional and inhumane as Christianity. πŸ™‚ Just get on with life, folks! What is the struggle about? You’re making life unnecessarily difficult and miserable for yourself and others. Let it go.

America Politics Society

Marco Rubio needs a pacifier.

The Hill: Rubio hits Warren’s ‘crude and vulgar’ response to opposition to same-sex marriage | TheHill.

I’m sorry there are people who feel differently than you do, Marco Rubio. I’m sorry that you, supposedly, for now, unless you are a white-male-capitalist-oligarch, have to respect their feelings and rights and speech. I’m sorry that you even have to countenance them.

Traditions change, dear boy. For example, do you expect negroes to greet you at the door when you arrive at a fancy dinner party? Do you don a traditional white wig when attending the faire? So which traditional values are you talking about?

Interesting Articles

Judge Tammy Kemp Gives Amber Guyger Bible, Promotes Christianity In Court | Michael Stone

I know this is Texas but still.

Someone needs to go back to judge school.

At some point we as a people need to decide that we are going to follow the rules that we put in place for ourselves. Otherwise none of it really matters does it.


If you want a conspiracy theory, here’s a good one. :-)

There are shocking things about this subject. One of them is how intellectually defenseless most Americans, even those supposedly superlative ones in board rooms and legislative offices, appear to be.

philosophy Politics Society Uncategorized

Obstacles to human progress

All well-intentioned people need to be courageous enough to confront the fact that our lives, our future, our economies, even our governments, are hamstrung by superstitious beliefs. We are all individually responsible for our own actions. Forget destiny. Forget Heaven. Forget Hell. Imagine if you can bring yourself to do so for a slight millisecond that we can determine what happens with our lives and our societies. One group can go be crazy over there. One group can go be happy over there. One group can go be super productive over there. One group can go fight each other over there. There’s room for that. There’s room for everything. But to think that we are in some pre-arranged scenario is foolish and ficticious. To think so is detrimental to human health and civility. WE decide what happens. So choose for YOURSELF, and please allow me to CHOOSE FOR MYSELF. Pretend that you actually honor the values you claim to respect and represent. Fake it until you make it. That’s good enough for now. Just stop ruining the world because you think you know how it works. You are likely stupid but you can grow out of it. Stupid is as stupid does. Open your eyes and do the right thing. Because there actually are right things. And it’s our job to figure out what those things are and to pass those discoveries along to those that come after us.

2018 Mid-Term Politics Society

Trump calls U.S.-bound migrant caravan a national emergency, says will cut aid | Article [AMP] | Reuters

What a massive failure to understand what is happening. These people have so little left to lose that they are willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children, to throw themselves under the pitiful mercy of the brutal nation that is the United States of America in hopes of securing a better life for themselves.

The USA looks a whole lot different on the outside than it does on the inside, folks.

Sure, of course there are some things that happen in the USA that are NOT savage and inhumane. We all know that (from the endless movies and TV shows and sitcoms and magazines and stories and books and lectures and history books and textbooks…). But that is not worth talking about right now. Because that is not what is killing people and ruining lives and preventing human progress. The things that are actually causing dire consequences at this moment is what we should be focusing on not how pretty we were last year at the beach.


Alex Jones Harasses Bernie Sanders At LAX & Then Gets Schooled By Random Dude – YouTube

This is an amazing moment of truth! Captured on video!

I was going to say a lot of other stuff but I’m trying to stay positive. πŸ™‚πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒπŸŒŒπŸ––